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Sourcing Parts

Via VT6010 Mainboard - There is currently only one uk distributor of this product Realtime Distribution. You will need an account with them before you can purchase anything, a bulk buy may be arranged after a few sample units have arrived. Currently, they have had samples themself and should get stock in by 15th April 2002.

Memory - Lots of places you can get this personally i'll be getting a 64MB PC100 SDRAM from ebuyer at the time of writing it costs £7.05 inc vat. It has been undecided yet whether we'll go for 64MB ram or 128MB, most likely the 64MB version.

PSU - Not been selected yet, watch this space!

Case - Not been selected yet, watch this space! (might do a custom one)

LCD Screen - Not been selected/confirmed we'll be using this yet